In modern era women working in each and every field. For healthy society it is must that women should be healthy. Women are victim of so many diseases and leucorrhoea is one of them. Leucorrhoea is not a disease, but a symptom of so many diseases. It may be physiological but when turn into pathological condition, produce associated problems like itching vulva, backache and so as to anxiety to a female suffering from the entity. Leucorrhoea means an unusual whitish discharge through vagina. Now-adays there is some abnormalities in the characteristics and manner of vaginal discharge which requires a medical intervention. In Ayurveda it is termed as shwetpradar and caused due to vitiation of kaphadosha where shwet means white and pradar means discharge. Aacharya charaka described it in kaphajayonivyapada. Amlakichurna is a classical Ayurvedic medicine used in leucorrhoea. Aim and objectives of this study is Ayurvedic concept about Shweta pradara and to study about amlakichurna and its uses in Shweta pradara. The material and method is the review study is collected from ancient Ayurvedic Samhita, various Ayurvedic journals and different websites.
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