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Changing Pattern of Bacteriuria among Asymptomatic Secondary School Adolescents within Enugu South East Nigeria


Nwokocha A, Ujunwa FA, Onukwuli VO, Okafor HU, Onyemelukwe N.

Background: Urinary tract infection is one of the infections that could lead to chronic kidney disease. Most of the offending isolates are usually Gram�negative bacteria such as Escherichia coli. Adolescent age groups are a special group of individuals who indulge in some risk behavior that could predispose them to urinary tract infections with possible mixed flora. Aim: The aim was to determine the burden of Gram�positive significant bacteriuria among adolescents in Enugu. Subjects and Methods: A survey of 628 adolescents attending secondary schools in Enugu was studied. Information on sociodemographic profile was obtained using a self�administered questionnaire. Clean�catch urine sample was collected using a sterile boric acid bottle, and this was cultured in both anaerobic and aerobic media. Significant isolates were Gram�stained in order to determine their characteristics. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 15.0.(Chicago Illinois USA). Results: There were 324 females and 304 males. Significant bacteria growth was identified in 61 samples giving a prevalence rate of 9.7% (61/628). Gram�positive bacteria were isolated in 77.1% (47/61) of samples, while Gram�negative bacteria were isolated in 22.9% (14/61) of samples. Staphylococcus saprophyticus was the most common Gram�positive organism isolated this consists 38.3% (18/47) while E. coli was the most common Gram�negative bacteria isolated comprising 64.2% (9/14). Other Gram�positive bacteria isolated were Staphylococcus auerus, Staphylococcus epididimis. All isolated bacteria were more common in females 44/61 (72.1%) than males 17/61 (27.9%). Conclusion: Gram�positive bacteriuria is prevalent among secondary school adolescents, and S. saprophyticus is the most common Gram�positive organism implicated. Further studies should be undertaken to determine the risk factors and possible sensitivity pattern among the age group.

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Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research The Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research is a monthly multidisciplinary medical journal.
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