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Clinical Evaluation for the Thrombopoietic Activity of Platenza Tablet in Cases of Dengue with Thrombocytopenia - Randomized Open Label Comparative Clinical Study


Srikrishna HA*, Das JKL, Pankaj Hans, Israrul Haque, Manjunathswamy Hiremath, Gaurav Kumar, Zorin puii, Rahul Anand and Anjana Bulusu

Introduction: Dengue is one of the vector borne viral infections growing across various countries. Despite the availability of various therapeutic agents, a potentially safe and efficacious herbal formulation is of high need. Objective: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of platenza tablets in increasing the platelet counts in cases of dengue fever associated with thrombocytopenia. Method: This study was conducted at Patna Medical College and Hospital, the Department of Medicine, Bihar. It was a randomized open label controlled comparative clinical study. Forty subjects were taken up for the study and grouped into platenza group (n=21) and standard comparator group (n=19) where platenza group received platenza tablets at a dose of two tablets twice daily oral and standard comparator received Carica papaya leaves extract at a dose of one tablet three times daily for a period of 10 days. Results: Platelet count was monitored at screening, and on each day from Day 1 to Day 4, Day 6, Day 8 and Day 10. Post 10 days, it was observed that, platenza group showed a potential increase in platelet count from 52905 to 207381 cells/mm3 compared to that of the standard comparator group. There were no drop outs in the study. Conclusion: Based on the improvement in subjective and objective parameters; it can be concluded that platenza tablets compared to the Carica papaya leaves extract alone, exhibited a potential Thrombopoietic activity along with the reduction of clinical signs and symptoms of dengue fever associated with thrombocytopenia.

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Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research The Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research is a monthly multidisciplinary medical journal.
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