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Cognitive Health and Education in India: Need of the Hour


P Phani Krishna*, Male Shiva Ram and Asha Thapa

Cognitive health-understanding the health of the brain and its ability to interpret and retrieve the stored information. Cognition is the combination of several brain functions such as memory, perception, language, intuition, judgment and the ability to learn. The deterioration of cognitive health, in an early stage of life or a later stage of life, has a great impact on everyday life. Problems such as declining mental function or dementia, Alzheimer’s and other brain-related issues, which generally develop later in life need immediate attention. The need of the hour from the author’s perspective is to introduce the cognitive health techniques for assessment and evaluation of the cognitive impairments. The need for Cognitive science courses in the basic level of education is necessary which gives an idea as to how behavior and intelligence are interlinked. While formal level education helps us only to understand the brain areas and their functions.

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Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research The Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research is a monthly multidisciplinary medical journal.
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