Background: Owing to the fact that peri cervical thickness of tooth structure is directly proportional to ability of it to resist fractures, many access cavity designs have been suggested. Objectives: 1. To evaluate remaining dentinal thickness ?before and after access cavity preparation performed using Clark and Khademi?s technique?; 2. To evaluate remaining dentinal thickness ?before and after access cavity preparation performed using Ninja technique?; 3. To evaluate remaining dentinal thickness ?before and after access cavity preparation performed using truss preparation technique?; 4. To compare remaining dentinal thickness of access cavities preparation performed using three different techniques namely ?Clark?s, Ninja and truss preparation technique?. Methodology: The study will be performed in ?Department of Conservative Dentistry and Endodontics, Sharad Pawar Dental College and Hospital, Wardha?. 30 teeth fitting in inclusion criteria will be selected for the study. Pretreatment CBCT will be performed to measure dentinal thickness at peri cervical region. 30 samples will be divided into three groups (n=10), according to the access cavity prepared. Access cavity preparation will be performed with help of CK Endodontic Access burs. Post treatment CBCT will be done to measure remaining dentinal thickness at peri cervical region. Results: It is expected that Ninja access preparation being most conservative in nature will result in least loss of dentinal volume in peri cervical area followed by Truss and Clark?s preparation. Conclusion: Ninja access preparation technique is the most conservative technique of cavity preparation.
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