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Comprehensive Case Series on Exercise-Based Rehabilitation for ACL Patients: Insights and Outcomes within China’s Healthcare Framework


Dai Haojie and Tanima Bhattacharya*

The primary aim of this review is to examine the impact of exercise-based rehabilitation on the recovery of ACL patients within the Chinese healthcare system. Key recovery indicators for ACL injuries included enhanced muscle strength and proprioception, significant improvements in functional stability, restored full range of motion, pain relief and a reduced risk of re-injury. Relevant scholarly sources were gathered through comprehensive online database searches. The findings demonstrated that exercise rehabilitation programs played an important role in the effective treatment of ACL injuries in Chinese patients. The literature revealed that aquatic exercises and Nordic hamstring routines were particularly successful in improving muscle strength and proprioception. Additionally, suspension training was shown to enhance functional stability and support the return to play. Furthermore, the study indicated that rehabilitation training was effective in relieving pain and improving range of motion in ACL patients. Finally, eccentric kinetic exercises proved to be effective in minimizing the risk of re-injury and were beneficial as a post-injury physical activity. The study recommends targeted exercise-based rehabilitation therapies and, when necessary, the incorporation of combined exercise treatments for ACL patients.

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  • Include Baidu Scholar
  • CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure)
  • EBSCO Publishing's Electronic Databases
  • Exlibris – Primo Central
  • Google Scholar
  • Hinari
  • Infotrieve
  • National Science Library
  • ProQuest
  • TdNet
  • African Index Medicus
Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research The Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research is a monthly multidisciplinary medical journal.
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