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Creation of new types of medical simulation systems with feedback and interactive guides using augmented and virtual reality The innovative project


Petimat Vahaevna Musaeva, Linda Ruslanovna Makhmudova, Khava Vakhaevna Dzhambulatova, Heda Zayput’evna Erzanukaeva, Amina Adamovna Ezhieva, Zubaidat Merdenovna Pashaeva, Akmaglay Menmuratovna Kurbanova and Sergey Nikolaevich Povetkin*

The article considers the features of the use of simulation technologies in distance learning, including in a complex epidemiological situation. The Purpose of the Work: To evaluate the role of simulation technologies in distance learning of senior students of medical universities. The study included 29 6th-year students of the medical institute of the Chechen state university (Grozny, Russia). The introduction of simulation technologies makes it possible to improve the connection of theoretical material with clinical practice, increase interest in learning and self-discipline.

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Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research The Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research is a monthly multidisciplinary medical journal.
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