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Effect of Shatavari Ghritapana in Primary Dysmenorrhea


Harshala Rajurkar Sharma, SamriddhiSharma, Mrityunjay Sharma, Dhruba Hari Chandi

Background: It is estimated that more than 50% of all women in adolescence age suffer from dysmenorrhea and several studies suggest that severe menstrual pain, just before or during menstrual periods is associated with absenteeism from school, college, office andsometimes daily routine activities. Aim: Aim of the present study is to see the effect of Shatavari Ghrita in primary dysmenorrhea. Materials and methods: 20 patients in the age-group of 12-20 years suffering from primary dysmenorrhea were registered for the study and treated with Shatavari Ghrita 10 ml twice a day with milk for 3 months. Findings were recorded in research proforma at monthly interval and patients were followed up for 3 months, while taking medicine and one month after discontinuation of medicine. Results: The results were very encouraging showing, 70% of females cured and 20% improved. Conclusion: It was concluded that Shatavari Ghrita is very effective treatment for Primary Dysmenorrhea also called as Kashtartava or Kricchartava.

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Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research The Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research is a monthly multidisciplinary medical journal.
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