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Knowledge and awareness of the usage and disposal of masks following various dental procedures among Dental practitioners during pandemic Covid-19.


Divya Sri E and Jayashri Prabakar*

Introduction: The risk of getting a coronavirus is getting higher now-a-days. Due to this outbreak situation masks have been recommended as a potential key to overcome this pandemic situation. A face mask is a flexible-fitting and single-use device that covers the nose, mouth and chin. It provides a barrier against potentially infectious droplets. One of the infection control measures is the routine use of face masks. Dentists are more prone to get contracted due to Face-to-face communication with the patients and also due to consistent exposure to blood and saliva which predisposes the dental care workers at a greater risk for 2019 COVID infection. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to assess the knowledge and awareness of the usage and disposal of masks following various dental procedures among dental practitioners during pandemic Covid-19. Materials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted among dental practitioners. A set of 17 questions were asked to the participants as a survey form. A total of 100 dental practitioners were surveyed in the study. A validated semistructure questionnaire was used to assess the knowledge, awareness, and infection control measures, such as usage of mouth masks during the pandemic COVID -19. Data was analyzed by SPSS version 23. Chi-square test was applied to measure proportion differences between several study variables among male and females, Highest level of education. Results: It was observed that 20.75% had answered correctly that mouth mask should be used with white side facing in (P value: 004), which is statistically significant; 59.09% had answered correctly that masks have three layers (P value: 000), which is statistically significant; 26.8% had answered correctly that masks have three layers (P value: 0.25), which is statistically significant; 28.7% had answered correctly that masks can be used for maximum of 8 hours. When it was asked which layer acts as a filter media barrier, 21.70% answered correctly (P value: 0.25), which is statistically not significant. Conclusion: Based on the results of the present study, it can be concluded that dental practitioners with MDS degree were found to exhibit better knowledge and awareness of the usage and disposal of masks following various dental procedures among Dental practitioners during pandemic Covid-19 when compared with dental practitioners with BDS degree.

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Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research The Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research is a monthly multidisciplinary medical journal.
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