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Prevalence of Multilocular Radiolucencies among Patients Visiting a Chennai-Based Dental Institution


Sivaharini S, Sneha S and Sangavi R*

Introduction: Multilocular lesions are unusual in that they can be cystic or cancerous. The clinical, radiological, and histological views of these lesions are all different. The goal of this research was to look into the clinical and radiographic indings of multilocular lesions in panoramic pictures or other advanced imaging techniques like CT or CBCT tomography.

Aim of the study: The aim of this study is to evaluate the prevalence of multilocular radiolucencies among patients visiting a Chennai based dental institution.

Materials and methods: Retrospective analysis of all the cases (Patients referred for panoramic radiographs) was retrieved among the overall data of patients visiting Saveetha dental college, a Chennai based institution. The data was entered in excel spreadsheets and the collected data was analysed using SPSS software version 19. Chi square test was used to statistically evaluate the results.

Results: It was found in the incidental indings of panoramic radiographs that prevalence of multilocular radiolucencies was (52.94%), prevalence of other radiolucencies were found to be (47.06%) in the study among the population.

Conclusion: Women were more likely to have ameloblastoma, OKC, and CGCG. Ameloblastoma, OKC, CGCG, and myxoma had comparable age distributions as previous studies. Ameloblastoma, OKC, CGCG, and myxoma were shown to be more prevalent in the mandible. The most prevalent effect on surrounding structures was swelling.

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Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research The Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research is a monthly multidisciplinary medical journal.
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