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Radiographic Assessment of Tooth Furcation Area Measurements before and after Endodontic Treatment


Nuha S Alghamdi*, Wafa Alajam, Ebtehaj S Albeshri, Mashael K Althobati, Youssef A Algarni and Saad M Alqahtani

Aim: To assess radio-graphically the height of furcal area in molar teeth before and after root canal treatment and to evaluate changes in root furcation measurements after endodontic treatment performed by dental undergraduate students of College of Dentistry.
Materials & method: The root-furcation measurements were taken from 201 bite-wing radiographs of pre-root canal treatment and post-root canal treatment performed by dental students of College of Dentistry. The teeth that obscured the image of pulp chamber due to crowns or restorations were excluded from the study. The data; hence, obtained was put to statistical analysis. The data variables were compared by employing paired t-test and one-way ANOVA.
Results: In the present study, the mean values of furcation height of teeth before root canal treatment (RCT) was 2.329 ± 0.5445 and it was 1.991 ± 0.6005 after undergoing RCT; the difference between the two was found to be statistically significant (p<0.001). On comparing the difference of mean height of furcation area of teeth before and after RCT with respect to maxillary and mandibular teeth; a non-significant (p=0.265) difference was found. Conclusion: The mean values of furcation heights of teeth before root canal treatment (RCT) was 2.329 ± 0.5445 and it was 1.991 ± 0.6005 after undergoing RCT; the difference between the two was found to be statistically significant. The changes in the furcal area measurements before and after RCT depict that the students performed over-instrumentations while undertaking the endodontic procedures among patients.

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Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research The Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research is a monthly multidisciplinary medical journal.
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