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Simplifying Doctor-Patient Relationship: How toTalk with your Patient


Ali Nagem

One of the significant elements in a doctor’s professional life is the Doctor-Patient Relationship (DPR). A doctor addresses the patients’ needs in a veryattentive and responsible manner, which is the core body of this DPR doctorholds this elevated status of responsibility to cure a patients’ ailment and toaddress his queries and guide him about the treatment throughouttreatment. To develop a good DPR is one of the basic requirements of aprimary health care unit. Without which, diagnosis, treatment, and health ofthe patient will be compromised. The doctor-patient relationship involvesvulnerability and trust. It is one of the most moving and meaningfulexperiences shared by human beings. However, this relationship and theencounters that flow from it are not always perfect.

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Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research The Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research is a monthly multidisciplinary medical journal.
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