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The Influence of Individual Beliefs and Social Support to the Prevention Behaviour of Hypertension in the Communities of Kupang East Nusa Tenggara-Indonesia


Frans Salesman*, Rafael Paun and Wilhelmus Olin

Background: The incidence of hypertension in the communities located in the City of Kupang has increased every year, where in general, it is influenced by the behavior and lifestyle of the communities. Therefore, this study is aimed at analyzing the influence of individual beliefs and social support to hypertension preventive behaviors among communities in the City of Kupang. Methods: The type of research is observational analytic, with case-control study design. The sample size of the research is 180; with sampling technic is Multistage Random Sampling. The analysis technic is Structural equation modeling based on Smart Partial Least Square (Smart-PLS). Result: The result of the research showed that the average age of respondents was 52.33 years, minimum 40 years old and maximum 59 years old with deviation standard (DS) 5.626. The average age of the respondents with hypertension 52.98 years with deviation standard (DS) 5,534, and the average age of the respondents without hypertension was 51.68 years old with Deviation Standard (DS) 5.672. The statistical test shows Individual belief has positive and significant influence to perceived threat (T-Statistics 12.807) and the Inner Weight is 0.792, which means that every increase of the individual belief will increase Perceived threat equal to 0.792. Social support has positive and significant influence to perceived threat (T-Statistics 2.607) and Inner Weight is 0.160, which means that any increase in support will increase perceived threat by 0.160. Perceived threat significantly influences to the prevention behaviour of hypertension (T-Statistics 4.312) and the Inner Weight is 0,084, which means that any increase of perceived threat will increase the prevention behaviour equal to 0.084. The prevention behavior has positive and significant influence to hypertension (T-Statistics 435.724) and Inner Weight is 0,955, which means that any increase of any adverse behavior will increase hypertension equal to 0,955. Conclusion: Individual beliefs directly affect perceived threat. While social support directly affects the perceived threat. Perceived threats directly affect the prevention behavior of hypertension. It is recommended to improve Individual belief and social support through counseling, suggestions and advices, providing examples of others and the successes achieved in self-control.

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