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The Study on Effect of Health Maintenance Principles Based on Iranian Traditional Medicine on Health Workers’ Quality of Life


Zakaria Rohani, Mohammad Reza Vaez Mahdavi*, Ali Montazeri, Soghrat Faghih Zadeh and Mahmud Khoda Doost

Background: Iranian traditional medicine prioritizes the health maintenance and its promotion rather than diseases treatment and has also expressed some logical principles for maintaining health. Given the health workers’ healthiness promotion, as one of the most efficacious forces in health care domains which has considerable importance and it is extensively beneficial and practical in health assessment and evaluating the quality of life, the recent study with the purpose of examining the effect of instructing the principles of maintain health based on health workers’ quality of life has conducted in Kashan.

Methods: This research is semi experimental which has conducted in 2017 and during this process, 54 health workers in Kashan were selected and were studied. SF36 survey was the medium for assessing the quality of life in the research questionnaire. Moreover, the information germane to individual peculiarities (age, gender, education) was assembled. Then educational intervention within 5 weeks and 25 hours was implemented in this course. The foundations of traditional medicine and six principles pertinent to health maintenance have been instructed to health workers. The data was compiled before educational intervention and 3 months after educational one using written questionnaire.

Results: The results indicated that instructing the principles of health care based on traditional medicine has enhanced the score of health workers’ quality of life in all aspects of questionnaire. In addition, in terms of physical function, physical pain and exhilaration, these alterations had been meaningful. In terms of instructing, there weren’t any remarkable and meaningful alterations in data.

Conclusion: The study represented that instructing the principles of health maintenance based on Iranian traditional medicine is able to ameliorate the health workers’ quality of life. It seems that embedding instructions of traditional medicine in health organization employees’ curricula can promote healthiness and ameliorate the quality of life.

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Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research The Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research is a monthly multidisciplinary medical journal.
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