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Treatment Outcomes of Auricular Hematoma Using Corrugated Rubber Drains: A Pilot Study


Okolugbo NE

Background: Hematoma of the auricle which is a collection of blood beneath the perichondrial layer of the pinna usually poses a challenge to the otolaryngologist due to its high rate of recurrence after treatment and lack of appropriate material for use as stitch dressing especially, in the developing world. This is a Pilot study in which corrugated rubber drain was used as a stitch dressing after routine incision and drainage (I and D) in patients who presented with auricular hematoma. Aim: To determine the effectiveness of corrugated rubber drain in the treatment of auricular hematoma. Subjects and Methods: A total of seven patients were seen within a 2 year period in an ENT Ear, nose and throat clinic. Two patients had simple I and D done, one patient had suturing of the auricle between improvised plastic material used for stitch dressing after I and D, while four patients had I and D done and subsequently, a corrugated rubber drain was used as the stitch dressing. Results: Two patients treated with simple I and D had recurrence of hematoma, the patient treated with improvised plastic material had pressure necrosis of areas of the pinna which however improved when dressing was removed as soon as symptoms were noticed 2 days postâÃ?Â?Ã?Â?operatively. Four patients who had I and D and subsequent use of rubberâÃ?Â?Ã?Â?drain as stitch dressing, had unâÃ?Â?Ã?Â?eventful recoveries. Conclusion: Corrugated rubber tubing drains which are readily available in a developing country like ours has been found very useful as stitch dressing in the management of auricular hematoma.

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Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research The Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research is a monthly multidisciplinary medical journal.
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