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Shweta Mahadev Mahajan1*, Vivek M Jingarwar2, Nandkishor Bankar3 and Sachin Patil4
1 Department of streerog and prasutitantra, Datta Meghe Ayurvedic Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India, Email:
2 Depatment of Dravyaguna, Shri KR Pandav Ayurved college and Hospital, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India
3 Department of Microbiology, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Datta Institute of Medical Sciences Sawangi (Meghe), Wardha, India
4 Department of Community Medicine, Datta Meghe Medical College, Shalinitai Meghe Hospital and Research Centre, Nagpur, India
*Correspondence: Shweta Mahadev Mahajan, Department of streerog and prasutitantra, Datta Meghe Ayurvedic Medical College, Hospital and Research Centre, Nagpur, Maharashtra, India, Email:

Published: 27-Aug-2021

Citation: Shweta MM, Vivek MJ, Nandkishor B and Sachin P. A Review Study of Effect of Mlakichurna in Shwetpradar W.S.R. Leucorrhoea. AMHSR. 2021;11:182-184

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In modern era women working in each and every field. For healthy society it is must that women should be healthy. Women are victim of so many diseases and leucorrhoea is one of them. Leucorrhoea is not a disease, but a symptom of so many diseases. It may be physiological but when turn into pathological condition, produce associated problems like itching vulva, backache and so as to anxiety to a female suffering from the entity. Leucorrhoea means an unusual whitish discharge through vagina. Now-adays there is some abnormalities in the characteristics and manner of vaginal discharge which requires a medical intervention. In Ayurveda it is termed as shwetpradar and caused due to vitiation of kaphadosha where shwet means white and pradar means discharge. Aacharya charaka described it in kaphajayonivyapada. Amlakichurna is a classical Ayurvedic medicine used in leucorrhoea. Aim and objectives of this study is Ayurvedic concept about Shweta pradara and to study about amlakichurna and its uses in Shweta pradara. The material and method is the review study is collected from ancient Ayurvedic Samhita, various Ayurvedic journals and different websites.


Shweta pradara; Leucorrhoea; Vaginal discharge; Amlakichurna



Leucorrhoea is usual condition that has been experienced by most of the women of all age groups. In leucorrhoea, leuco means white and rrhoea means discharge.

In ayurveda it is known as “Shwetpradara”. It is from mucus membrane and glands presents in female genital tract.

This condition may be due to any specific pathology in the body or due to unhygienic condition of genital organ. It may also due to poor health and nutrition status as it lowers the immunity.

The discharge is actually a fluid form of all the warn out and dead cells in the vaginal tract excessive discharge of a white, thick, sticky and foul smelling material from the vagina is called leucorrhoea.

There are many causes of leucorrhoea, the usual one being oestrogen imbalance. Purulent discharge due to specific infection such as gonorrhoea, trichomoniasis is of a different type and should be excluded from the term leucorrhoea. [1]

Churnakalpana is described as upkalpana of kalka by Achrya Charaka. Amlakichurna is one of the best ayurvedic remedy for leucorrhoea. Amalaki is tridoshaghna by nature. Its sour taste pacifies vata madhurrasa , madhurvipaka, shitavirya helps to pacify pitta dosha and its kashay rasa and rukshaguna decrease kapha.

Aim and Objectives

To assess the effect of amlakichurna in shwetpradar.

To study the review of literature through ayurvedic text.


The current study is based on ancient ayurvedic samhita grantha, research journals and various websites. The term leucorrhoea should be restricted to those conditions when the normal vaginal secretion is increased in amount. Leucorrhoea is mainly classified in two types:


Normally it is increases when oestrogen level in the body increases. An increase in normal vaginal secretion develops physiologically during pregnancy, at puberty and ovulation, in premenstrual period. The appearance of Normal vaginal discharge is watery and odourless and quantities of this secretion are as much it requires to moist vagina. During pregnancy, the normal vaginal discharge is increased in amount due to vascularity of the female genital tract. [2] At puberty white discharge is probably caused by the increased vascularity of vagina, cervix and uterus at that time. This secretion contains enzymes, proteins, polysaccharides, immune globulins, amino acids.


In pathological condition vaginal discharge is thick, bloody sticky, foul smelling in inflammatory conditions of vagina and cervix. Pathological white discharge occurs due to various disease and malfunction of female reproductive system. It leads to bad effect on female’s health it needs medical attention and treatment. It occurs also in the condition like uterine prolapse, ulcerations of the vagina, cysts and neoplasms of the vagina, chronic prolapse inflammation, contraceptive pill user etc. [2]

Hetu (Causes) of Leucorrhoea


Adhyashana (Over eating)

Ajirna (Indigestion)

Divaswap (sleeping at day time)

Aatimaithunat (More sexual interactions)

Yanayan (More travelling )

Atichakramana (Constant walking )


Bharabhighatat (Heavy weight lifting)

Lakshan (Symptoms) of Leucorrhoea

Lower abdominal pain

Pain in lower back and thigh which is worsen while walking

General Tiredness

Irritation and itching in genitals

Digestive disturbances

Irritability and lack of concentration in work due to consciousness of discharge


Leucorrhoea is a symptom not a disease, thus etiopathogenesis of principal disease would be etiopathogenesis of this condition also. Kapha aggravated due to its own vitiating factor ,influences and vitiates rasadhatu of reproductive system , already influenced by excessive coitus , abortions , improper mode of life and dietetics, during menstruation and rutukala along with unhygienic and then produces white and painless vaginal discharge due to dominance of its liquid property. [3]


Leucorrhoea can be prevented by removing some harmful diet and adding some beneficial healthy in diet because what you eat also plays a vital role in the treatment of leucorrhoea.

A well balanced diet comprising of foods rich in protein, fiber, carbohydrate and essential nutrients not only treat the leucorrhoea but also prevent it reoccurrence.

Ayurvedic treatment consists of basic principle of restoring Agni i.e. digestive fire in order to clean accumulated toxins.

To bring vitiated kapha dosha back to normally.

Amalaki Churna

Amlakichurna is one of the best Ayurvedic remedy for leucorrhoea. Amalaki is tridoshaghna by nature. Its sour taste pacifies vata madhur rasa madhurvipakashitavirya helps to pacify pitta dosha and its kashay rasa and rukshaguna decrease kapha.



Leucorrhoea is not separate disease but it appears as symptoms of underline pathology of any disease. It is very common amongst females directly affecting on the physical and mental health on the women. A number of studies were reported on different aspects of menstrual problems. [4-7] Some of the related studies were reviewed. [8-11] Amlakichurna is one of the best Ayurvedic remedy for leucorrhoea. Amalaki is tridoshaghna by nature. Is sour taste pacifies vata, madhur rasa madhurvipakashitavirya helps to pacify pitta dosha and its kashay rasa and rukshaguna decrease kapha.


The above study shows that Amalakichurna is found very useful in treatment of leucorrhoea. After using Amalakichurna symptoms like itching, white discharge can be reduced significantly.


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