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Ali Mehrabi Tavana*
Health Management Research Center, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Email:
*Correspondence: Ali Mehrabi Tavana, Health Management Research Center, Baqiyatallah University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Tel: +98-2182482415, Email:

Citation: Ali Mehrabi Tavana. What are the Advantages of Considering a Formula for the Calculation of Human Health on Both National and International Levels?. Ann Med Health Sci Res. 2017; 7: 312-313

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The matter of health has been discussed among scientists as a qualitatively in the past. Few have referred to it qualitatively; and therefore, no formula in order to calculate human health has been reported before. We have introduced a formal for calculation of human health which may have several advantages for any individual, families; societies on both national and international levels. With regard to a formula for calculation of human health, the main advantages will be discussed in this article.


Advantages; Calculation; Formula; Human health


If we look at the articles from an international organization such as W.H.O. the definition of health is only limited related to quality including physical well-being, mental, social and spiritual aspects of health in order to complete the definition of human health [1-3]. In recent years, we have started to believe that the human health could be calculated in mathematical terms (qualitatively) which may have several advantages for personal, family and public health on both national and international levels y. A formula has been introduced by the authors in order to calculate all of the different aspects of health [4]. Different an example were given in order to how calculation for human health are possible [5].


In the past, the definition of health and its aspects were provided by W.H.O [6,7]. We have introduced different parameters which are related to different aspects of health (Physical, mental, social and spiritual. This formula could be used as basic calculation tool of human health and the parameters can also be added or omitted based on expert opinions.

The range of each parameter could be asked from each expert in different fields associated with human health from zero to 100.0 and an excellent score for the best individual health should be considered 100.0. We have used a mathematical formula in order to calculate the different human health aspects by using a formula HUh= P/100+M/100+SO/100+SP/100.

With regard to this question a formula as follows should be considered:

HU=Human Health

P=Physical Health

M=Mental Health

SO=Social Health

The main advantages of mathematical code for human health which was introduced in our formula are:

• Each individual knows what his or her mathematical code and how to get the best score.

• Each individual knows how the score may be reduced (under disease condition) and how the score could be increased (by considering healthy living measures in human life).

• Each individual knows how the score may be reduced (under disease condition) and how the score could be increased (by considering healthy living measures in human life).

• Each government may know what the distribution of human’s health in their nation is and how it could be increased by investments of resources and paying attention to its duties on the whole.

• The health care providers can find out how health care services must be provided on a national level by considering mathematical code for all individuals, and families.

• The insurance companies can allocate their budgets for covering different mathematical scores by prioritizing the preventive measures in order to better maintain health of average citizens.

• W.H.O. could get a grasp of the situation of health worldwide mathematically like other biostatics’ indices (i.e., life expenditure, the rate of morbidity and mortality in different age groups and sexes for allocating resources for countries which may be in need and pay more based on mathematical score of each country, as well as research, education and health care services and so on. This encourages the countries to reach the highest health scores and better standing situation in the world on the whole.

• United nation also could be prioritize it’s their social development programs based on health and the related mathematical codes of countries and their members.


Taking this approach health could be evaluated qualitatively and it will have many benefits for individuals, families, societies and the governments. Health policy makers for developing in developed and developing countries can do so through the measurement of health and that could change government attitude towards health as well as their actions and the responsibilities they should take. In addition, any of the world’s population (at the moment 7000000000 census) will have a specific mathematical code which could be calculated by a formula we introduced and it is subject to change over time. The people and their governments would try to increase their score and the W.H.O could supervise the process country by country in order to make sure that the best quantity of health for all is reached W.H.O. could announce of each nations score annually and publicize the progress of health among countries.

Conflict of Interest

All authors disclose that there was no conflict of interest.


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