amhsr-open access medicla research journals

Faraed Dawood Salman

Dental Department, Erbil Polytechnique University, Medical Technical institute, Erbil, Iraq


  • Research Article   
    Association of Gingival Pigmentation of Different Age Groups Passive Smokers (ETS) with Active Household Smoker in Erbil City/Iraq
    Author(s): Shahida Rassul Hussein* and Faraed Dawood Salman

    To determine the relationship of gingival pigmentation of different passive smoker age groups (both genders) with active household smokers in Erbil city/Iraq. Passive smoking is also called ETS (Environmental tobacco smoke) is the result of spontaneous cigarette burning, and contrarily, the result of the side-stream of cigarette smoke, as well as the smoke exhaled by active smokers. ETS produces numerous side effects including oral cavity of people who do not smoke like oral mucosal pigmentation, which is fundamentally, cigarette smoking affecting smile and esthetics. Health personnel should clearly present the data concerning the adverse results of smoking, in addition to the dangers to exposure to environmental tobacco smoke. A total of 400 patients attending different dental clinics in Erbil city, participated in the study, 170 passive smokers case group, and 230 non-smoker control.. Read More»

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Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research The Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research is a monthly multidisciplinary medical journal.
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