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Mutua Kinyao

Kenya Medical Training College, Department of Nursing, Gatundu, Kiambu, Kenya


  • Original Article   
    Attitude, Perceived Risk and Intention to Screen for Prostate Cancer by Adult Men in Kasikeu Sub Location, Makueni County, Kenya
    Author(s): Mutua Kinyao and Gabriel Kishoyian*

    Background: Prostate cancer is increasingly becoming one of the most significant health problems facing Kenyan men and the commonest cause of cancer related death in men globally. Though increased survival rates occur when the diagnosis is done early, the disease is typically detected at a more advanced stage while participation in prostate cancer screening is extremely low. In addition, due to the aging population and population growth, the expected numbers will increase in forthcoming years. Thus, prevention and early detection has immense public health importance. Objective: This study assessed the attitude, perceived risk and intention to screen for prostate cancer by adult men in Kenya. Method: This study was conducted to identify factors associated with intention to be tested for prostate cancer risk.. Read More»

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Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research The Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research is a monthly multidisciplinary medical journal.
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