amhsr-open access medicla research journals

Xia Lyu

Department of Nursing, Shenzhen People’s Hospital, Guangdong Province, China


  • Research Article   
    Investigation and Analysis of the Transitional Care Needs of Patients Following Hospital Discharge
    Author(s): Xia Lyu, Jie Zeng*, Jenny Song, Weisi Peng, Muying Chen and Caiwen Li

    Background: The transitional care model ensures the continuity of care and has significant impact on patients’ health outcomes. Transitional care services need to be developed based on patients’ needs. Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the care needs of patients following hospital discharge. Methods: This quantitative cross-sectional survey was conducted among 484 patients using a questionnaire to investigate patients’ transitional care needs, covering the types of the services and patient preferred services providers. Results: The investigation revealed that only 17.98% (n=87) of participants were aware that the tertiary hospital provided transitional care following hospital discharge, even though more than half of participants (n=265) exp.. Read More»

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Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research The Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research is a bi-monthly multidisciplinary medical journal.
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